The 'SPACE' @SAlfordUni is your space too. We want to make ourselves available to you, our expertise relevant, our ides about the future accessible, and our capacity to collaborate meaningful. We have a lot of work to do and this begins with embracing many different visions for science communication. Here is a glimpse of some of these ideas.



Public engagement has become a crucial methodology for how researchers think about their relationship with the public and what can be achieved by embracing science communication. We draw on discoveries that interrogate such ideas as public understanding, engagement, and involvement in the design of all of our experiences. A big part of this has to do with embracing diversity and recognising that science shouldn't begin, until it is communicated.


While science communication is often focused on inspiring people to become more interested in or involved with science, we also want to use science communication as a vehicle for interrogating and critiquing the direction of science. Science often happens without conversation or input from the public and we think this needs to change.  For this reason, we draw on diverse perspectives to shape our #scicomm work, putting STEAM into STEM, taking our work into unusual spaces, and by creating space where more diverse voices can contribute.


Our journeys in science communication are framed by a desire to stimulate reflection on taken-for-granted views about our world, which might lead to behavioural change, or simply a greater capacity for people to be more ambitious, creative, or more successful in their lives. #SciComm can empower people to make changes and to improve processes via the reflective inquiry that communication entails.