The arts & SCIence COMMunication
So much of what we do in science communication relies on collaborative working and this means working across science and creative practice. At Salford, we love to develop projects that bring the arts closer to science communication and have worked with leading artists to produce some outstanding work and drawing inspiration and insight from many disciplines is a great way to expand your horizons on what science communication needs.
Hauser, J. (2008). Observations on an art of growing interest: toward a phenomenological approach to art402 involving biotechnology. In: Da Costa B, Philip K (eds) Tactical biopolitics: art, activism, and403 technoscience. The MIT Press, Cambridge
Miah, A. (2008). Human Futures: Art in an Age of Uncertainty
Miller, A.I. (2014). Colliding worlds: how cutting-edge science is redefining contemporary art.406 W. W. Norton.
Reichle, I. (2009). Art in the age of technoscience: genetic engineering, robotics, and artificial life in414 contemporary art. SpringerWein, New York Smith, Marquard. (2005). “Stelarc: The Monograph.” Cambridge: The MIT Press.